Our Story

Immersed in the world of holistic health, the art of cooking from scratch, spiritual healing, and the pursuit of an unprecedented thriving lifestyle, my journey has been a remarkable one. I have always embraced the path less traveled, driven by an unwavering passion for natural body care products. For as long as I can remember, I have been the enchanting soul providing my loved ones with an array of natural remedies for their every need, while endlessly delving into the alchemy of crafting my very own hair and skin elixirs. After requests by those around me to customize a creation for their need or offer my holistic wellness knowledge for some area of their life. I am elated to extend my creations to the world, ready to share this exquisite journey of mine with all who seek it.

- Michelle

  • Exclusive, Rare, Ethically Sourced

    We search for and utilize the Underutilized ingredients, methods and traditions to craft unique creations suited for our body and spirit renewal.

    All natural, potent ayurvedic hair lotions, oils & tonics and more. This is a safe space to connect with our inner sense without compromise of quality.

  • Environment Ethos

    As an enviornmental advocate since a young age, Founder, Michelle understands the damaging affects of excess plastic waste and improper trash handling has on land and oceans everywhere. We strive to use packaging materials that are reusable and easily recyclable like glass containers and bottles.

    We do encourage our customers to recycle & reuse containers. We know that glass can break that is why we continue to look for the most convenient yet safe for the environment packaging.

  • Graceful awareness

    Selecting moments to care for our vessel. Our collection is crafted to bring us back into the senses. Encouraging all to embrace those little moments. Notice the nuane of your body and it's responses to your care.

  • Nature lovers

    Inspired by the unending need for solitute in nature. Any highly sensitive being knows the need to seek solace, peace and nurtuance in nature.

  • Facing our dragon within

    Being on a spiritual journey is as rewarding as it is exhausting. I have experienced the deep depths of darkness and lonilness to the warm, cocooning plateu of healing love from angels and spirit. I've crafted this collection intuitively for those who'd love to find ways to connect with themselves. Start your journey here. There is nothing to avoid, run away from or distract yourself from. The path to healing starts now. Book with Michelle for Intuitive Guidance here