The feel for November

The feel for November

Grand Rising community,

I have been cocooning this fall and slowly creating, maintaining and contemplating new business endeavors. After some travels last month, it is especially nice to just be and take it easy. 


Nurturing self-care practices is what really keeps me going, no matter what is happening. That can look like simply waking up slowly, allowing myself to recollect my dreams (which have been ever increasingly complex and lucid), steeping a cup of nutritious tea or making a meal from scratch. I let my spirit and body be my guide most days unless there is something 3D and logical that needs to be done. Yet, all the same, our intuition and inner being is ideally present even in mundane routines.


I encourage you. Ask your body and/or inner being/higher self today. Where are we now? (mentally, emotionally, etc.), what do we need? How can we recalibrate our beingness to the now instead of living in the past or future? In order to be present for our present selves. What am I grateful for? In what ways is what I desire to manifest already present in my life?


These types of questions I like to remind myself to ask on the regular. So that my entire person is all together at once. It helps me to be in alignment with my truest self now, at my highest frequency; seeing that I grow and transform so rapidly on a personal level.


 Practical Tips:

Winter is among us!

Consider incorporating some red light therapy for example. The benefits of this are enormous!! Some of my favorites are minimizing joint pain, Improved sleep, and Reduced scars/blemishes. Do your due diligence and research yourself. It is a godsend modality. My ideal brand is Bon Charge as it is low flicker, EMF free and high quality.

Also, Sauna! I find that during cold months especially it's beneficial to lubricate those joints with some heat, along with the emotional and mental benefits that take place.

Lastly, good ol' fashioned hydration. Too often, we are under drinking on a daily, and/or consuming far too many sugary drinks or alcohol that provide no hydration whatsoever. (no judgment we've all been there!). Ya know, I heard from nurses and associates that many stroke patients were even more susceptible to the stroke because they were so dehydrated! Water and nutrients allow oxygen to get to the brain. If that isn't possible then problems will ensue. Proper hydration, next to optimal diet can truly go a long way. The ability to do this for ourselves is a privilege in itself considering how this simple human need could be difficult for some in many parts of the world.

Alright, that is my lot for this time around. Praying all who are reading this are well, warm and loved. Thank you for continuing to tune into our small family business and read about my two cents! 😉




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