Coming back from a long several weeks of travel, starting at the beginning of my birthday week in December to the very end of December, I enjoyed returning back home on NYE to be in my own space, to sleep on my own bed for so much needed cocooning that I crave.
I like to go with the flow of the seasons. Whether or not the calendar time has passed or not it is important for me to live by my own intuitive compass/inner world. Winter is the time to restore, rest and recuperate, not really the time to do MORE or pressure ourselves to complete lists. I love to be as productive as the next "go getter" but on my own time. I am not in competition with anyone!
Align with the natural rhythms of earth is a grounding a fool proof way to staying centered. Body oiling, beeswax candles, wool socks, sweaters, hot herbal infusions, deep sleep, fire gazing, and cozying up inside a heated blanket. I love sloooow gazing, sloooww walking, doing tedious tasks like sewing, baking and cooking from scratch. It may come easier for some more than others (I'm naturally slow paced!!! hehe) but to fight against the current; against nature rarely makes things better. To create the struggles in our own lives repeatedly is certainly a self-sabotaging habit that can occur as I result. Speaking from experience!
Let us enjoy the stillness of this time however possible.
Self-care habits I utilize:
- Not scrolling mindlessly on social media, and/or not using it most days unless I have a purpose for it (education, business social media, contacts)
- sleeping in as much as possible (why not!?)
- baking or cooking at home instead of ordering from somewhere
- re-thinking a purchase multiple times instead of mindlessly purchasing things I may not even really need at the time
- hot baths with our Mami Wata aura renewal bath soak
- lighting candles and incense daily (especially beeswax candles or homemade)
- some form of exercise and stretching daily
- Journaling my thoughts and feelings, impressions, channelings (a practiced I've nurtured for many many years)
- Hair oil days 3x a month! I saturate wet hair with our Golden Ayurvedic Hair oil, massage it in, make sure my ends are saturated with it, then allow it hair dry. Shampoo it out on my next wash day.
How do you feel about this time of year?
Many blessings,